With over 30 years in transporting and caring for clients’ fur babies, we have seen many changes over this time. From aircraft types, animal breeds, crate comfort improvements and of course the incredible advancement in technology. People can stay connected with their friends and family across the world with various technology platforms but nothing beats being reunited in person with their favourite fur baby!

At Jetpets our company culture is built on Happy Pets, Happy Customers and Happy People and one noticeable feature we have seen over recent years are the bonds between fur babies and their parents becoming stronger than it has ever been.
When we first started transporting pets some time back, it would be fair to say that traditionally, pets were kept outside for most of their day. It would be also very uncommon to have a café where fur babies had their special “parking space” and bowls of water out the front to accommodate customers’ pets!

Over the past 10 years, we have witnessed clients transitioning their pets from outside to inside. It may have slowly started with bringing pets onto the veranda at night time, to then slowly allowing their pets to stay in certain sections of the house when it was cold, to eventually allowing pets to sleep inside (perhaps in the laundry), to now in some cases sleeping with their parents in the bedroom!
It is amazing to think that perhaps 10 years ago when you asked someone where their animal slept overnight and they replied with “in my bedroom”, we may have thought this was quite “unusual”?
We of course may have understood that many pets needed to be inside in certain types of climates for welfare reasons but to think that someone would have their pet in the main bedroom or indeed on their bed some 10 years ago may have raised some eyebrows to certain folks across the country.
As times have changed with housing in many capital cities having smaller dwelling sizes, the traditional backyard has someone been transformed. We are seeing many more units, apartments, and common living areas now as we transition to the modern-day 21st-century world.

Now whilst there are many changes and advancements that have occurred, what we do know at Jetpets is that our clients’ love of their fur babies has always been paramount. We understand that pets are part of the family, and their care is of the utmost importance when looking after their journey, no matter how far that may be.
Although times may have changed, our Jetpets philosophy of ensuring Happy Pets, Happy Customers and Happy People is always at the very heart of what we do when caring for your fur babies.
For more information on transporting pets across New Zealand or Internationally please visit our see our domestic FAQ and international FAQ pages.